In a chilling vindication of Somaliland’s warnings, truckloads of weapons have been looted in central Somalia, mere months after the controversial lifting of the UN arms embargo. This brazen attack has sent shockwaves through the region, confirming the worst fears of those who cautioned against the politically motivated lifting of the embargo and its potential to flood the volatile Horn of Africa with more arms.
The Somaliland government, which had vehemently opposed the embargo’s lifting, has renewed its dire warnings about the consequences of this ill-fated decision. In a forceful statement, Somaliland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs decried the UN Security Council’s resolution, asserting that it poses “grave risks to the stability and security of the Horn of Africa region.”
The recent incident in South Central Somalia has shockingly validated Somaliland’s warnings. A convoy carrying a vast arsenal was ambushed and looted, resulting in a disturbing spectacle reminiscent of scenes from “Lord of War.” Social media erupted with images of women and children brandishing an array of small arms, a chilling visualization of weapons proliferation. According to various news agencies, the incident claimed at least five lives.
Horn of Africa analyst Rashid Abdi dubbed it “the single most serious incident of arms proliferation in central Somalia.” This grim tableau of civilians, including vulnerable groups, handling military-grade weapons starkly illustrates the chaos unleashed by the embargo lift. The scene tragically vindicates Somaliland’s repeated warnings about the dangers of unrestricted arms flow in this volatile region, painting a bleak picture of a future where deadly weapons are commonplace even among the most vulnerable populations.

Adding to the embarrassment, on July 12, 2023, the United States donated weapons and ammunition to Somalia in its fight against terrorism. This decision has been criticized as another blunder, with fears that these weapons may end up in the hands of terrorist groups like Al-Shabaab. This incident underscores the risks of supplying arms to unstable regions without stringent safeguards. The U.S. Embassy in Somalia announced the donation as part of a broader effort to support the Somali government, but critics argue that it may inadvertently exacerbate the security situation in the region.
Somaliland’s government has long maintained that lifting the embargo would inevitably lead to weapons falling into the hands of terrorist groups, a scenario that now seems to be unfolding. The statement from Hargeisa pulls no punches, expressing profound doubt about Somalia’s capacity to manage and secure these weapons effectively.
The contrast between Somalia’s volatility and Somaliland’s stability couldn’t be starker. For over three decades, Somaliland has maintained peace within its borders, a fact that its government argues should have been given more weight in regional security considerations. Now, Somaliland fears that the influx of arms into the region directly threatens its hard-earned peace and stability.
As the situation spirals, Somaliland is calling for an urgent reconsideration of the decision to lift the arms embargo. The government advocates for a more nuanced approach to regional security, one that recognizes the complex dynamics of the Horn of Africa and the unique position of stable entities like Somaliland.
The international community now faces a rapidly escalating crisis. The need for immediate action—including enhanced border controls and a reassessment of the arms embargo decision—has never been more pressing. The recent looting incident serves as a stark reminder of the powder keg that the Horn of Africa has become, with the potential to undo years of stabilization efforts in a matter of moments.
As the UN Security Council deliberated on lifting the embargo, Somaliland’s warnings of catastrophic consequences fell on deaf ears. Now, with weapons flowing freely and falling into the wrong hands, those dire predictions have become a stark reality. The international community stands at a critical juncture, facing the urgent need to heed Somaliland’s renewed calls for action. Failure to respond swiftly and decisively risks plunging the region further into chaos, leaving it heavily armed and on the brink of widespread conflict. The Horn of Africa teeters on a precipice, with the specter of escalating violence looming large over its fragile peace.