The people of Somaliland have a long history of resilience, determination, and selfless devotion to their country’s love. Somalilanders do not consider hardships and challenges as insurmountable barriers, but instead, they see it as opportunities for reflection, learning, growth, and development.
Somalilanders have the strength, fortitude, willpower, and determination to translate problems they experience into opportunities since they believe that the power to solve a problem or problems is always greater than the problem or problems themselves. Somalilanders’ patriotic instinct, their unyielding spirit of bravery and resilience is a true reflection of who they are as a nation.
These characteristics of resilience and perseverance have been demonstrated not only in the battlefronts but also during peacebuilding and sustained the nation’s stability in an unpredictable and volatile region. The economic, social, and democratic progress of the past 30 years is also an indisputable homemade success story. These elements and many more are something that really makes the people of the Republic of Somaliland VERY PROUD, UNIQUE, and SPECIAL!!
Somaliland’s outstanding accomplishments attained on all fronts; such as peace and stability, political, economic, and social and democratic progress constitute a MORAL CHALLENGE to THOSE WHO ARE CONTINUOUSLY DENYING Somaliland’s statehood and fundamental rights for self-determination of its people.
Further, Somaliland’s constructive engagement in regional and international issues for peace, stability, security, democracy, and development PRESENTS A HUGE MORAL AND ETHICAL DILEMMA to THOSE INTERNATIONAL BODIES (AU, IGAD, UN, EU, etc) that have shown a hardened adherence to the FICTION, UNREALISTIC AND DELUSIONAL NOTION OF A UNITY BETWEEN SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA!
The international community is increasingly focusing on a country that failed to meet even the most basic criteria for statehood (SOMALIA) while ignoring a country that tremendously met all international terms and requirements to be recognized as a separate and independent country (REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND).
The International Community must not and should not ignore the historical argument and plea of the people of Somaliland. The International Community, particularly the Western Powers need to assist a country that has succeeded in the strengthening of peace and security, democracy, respect for human rights, good governance, justice, and the rule of law for more than three decades.
Somaliland is the only functioning democracy in the region. As Ayn Rand once said, “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” I believe the international community is making a very serious mistake by ignoring the reality on the ground in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland is the shining light over the horizon of the Horn of Africa and a beacon of African hope in the international order. Somaliland should have been long recognized as an independent country and it has long since deserved to be embraced by the global community.
To put it in a nutshell, the people of Somaliland have tested the real benefits and values of independence, freedom, peace, and democracy. The people of Somaliland will never ever join again whatsoever an unrealistic union with Somalia at the cost of their freedom, statehood, and independence.
Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Deyr) is the Former Minister of Trade & Investment and Former Presidential Spokesman.
Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, viewpoints of the Somaliland Chronicle and its staff.

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