The Shady Character: The Resident of Villa Somalia


His name is Mohamed Abdullahi-Farmajo, born in 1962 in Mogadishu. He was one of the few fortunate youths, not by virtue of merit, but by his clan affiliation. His uncle was the former dictator of Somalia, Mohamed Siad Barre.

When he graduated from high school he was sent off to Washington DC. and became the first secretary for the Somali ambassador of the Somali Embassy in Washington DC. It was common under the Siad Barre regime to place clan members in key prominent positions of power regardless of their educational background or experience level in any given department. The goal was to groom him for future government leadership and eventually the future Somali Ambassador in some future country.

Unfortunately, this dream was cut short when the Mohamed Siad Barre regime collapsed in 1991, which he primarily blames Somalilanders especially the Isaq clan for being responsible. The fall of the regime was a heavy blow to his pre-planned path to success in the future Siad Bare’s government. Consequently, it resulted in the disruption of his lavish lifestyle as a young man living in Washington DC. Certainly, his resentment and hostility towards Somaliland are of personal nature.

Now that he is in a position of authority to retaliate and punish those who were responsible for the demise and the collapse of his uncle’s regime (the independent Somaliland government), he found himself in a weaker position to inflict any harm. This is by far his second greatest disappointment as the president of the Somali Federal government and is now unable to hurt Somaliland. When every effort failed, he resorted to social media propaganda by recruiting uneducated youngsters to do his dirty job for him.

Surprisingly, his simplistic view of what had happened in Somalia during and after the regime of Siad Bare is mind-boggling, and it is a testament to his sheltered life of entitlement under his uncle’s regime. This was particularly obvious as to how he undermined the authority of local governments to elect their leaders without the interference of the federal government. These behaviors are not the characteristics of someone who understands the history of the civil war and the long difficult journey traveled by the Somalis to get to where they are today.

His uncle committed major atrocities against humanity particularly against the Isaq clan. Somalilanders love their fellow Somalis but they have issues with the word “unity” and the blue flag. Through the flag they see genocide committed against them; they see the torture of helpless young women; they see mass murder; they see innocent women being raped; they see pregnant women being violated; they see the fighter jet with Somali Flag emblem on its side bombarding them while they are fleeing. They see the elderly left for dead when unable to escape. Mothers have to choose which child they have to leave behind when they exhaust the last effort to move forward. The Tanks and the weapons that were used including the uniforms of the soldiers carrying these atrocities all displayed the blue national flag.

After the failed Djibouti talks, during one of his speeches, he half-heartedly offered a quasi-apology for the atrocities committed by Siad Bare against the Somalilanders particularly the Isaq clan which was insincere and lip service. He is by nature a con man as he himself admitted in his last concession speech when the last-ditch ambition for more years was squashed by the regional leaders. He admitted to his divide and rule tactic without being obvious, but one could read between the lines.

Farmajo is no longer a threat to Somaliland, but he could try his under-handed attempts to undermine the progress of the Somaliland Government, but it is not going to work because Somaliland is in a better and stronger position.

In one of his last remarks, he said that Somaliland was seeking recognition for the last thirty years, but they did not succeed. Although recognition would be a plus, the lack of it would not compromise its independence no matter how long it takes. Somaliland is a strong, free, and democratic nation and has many friends around the world.

About the Author:

Mohamed Adan Samatar is a Former State of Arizona Government Management and holds BSc, MS Agriculture. He can be reached adan.samatar01[@]

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