Investigative Reports

Security Reform vs. Security Risk: Weighing the Implications of Somaliland’s Military Biometric System

Key Points Somaliland's biometric registration of security personnel aims to...

The Diplomacy of Gullibility: How Somaliland’s Foreign Ministry Keeps Falling for International Fraudsters

In what has become a familiar scene in Somaliland's...

Ex-US Ambassador to Somalia Lobbies for Hormuud’s Access to American Banking System

Questions mount as André partners with Somali MP who...

Tag: Investment


The Strategic Implications of Somaliland’s Recognition: A Comprehensive Analysis

The pursuit of international recognition by Somaliland represents a pivotal moment that could reshape the geopolitical landscape of the Horn of Africa. This analysis...

Taiwan’s Landmark $22 Million Investment Promises to Transform Hargeisa Group Hospital

In a landmark development that marks the most significant investment in Somaliland's healthcare infrastructure since the colonial era, Taiwan has committed $22 million to...

Saudi Mining Company Kilomass Secures Lithium Exploration Deal in Somaliland

Kilomass, a major Saudi Arabian mining company, has secured a license to explore lithium deposits in the Republic of Somaliland, marking a significant development...

Financial Turmoil and a New Questionable Venture Cast Shadows over Boodhari Mills’ Future

In our previous coverage, we explored Boodheri Mills, a flour mill established in 2017 and registered with the Canadian government in May of that...

Ethiopia PM seeks Qatari investment

Ethiopia’s prime minister Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday visited his Qatari counterpart, seeking to enhance bilateral relations and strengthen efforts to attract investment from the...

Salt in Our Eyes – How The Minister of Investment conceded 150 km2 of Berbera Beach to a Shell Company

In October 2018, Somaliland's Ministry of Investment and Salternas signed an agreement to develop the world's largest solar salt production facility in Somaliland. This...

Boodhari Mills: A Well Orchestrated Scam or A Legitimate Investment Opportunity?

Is the idea of building a flour plant in Somaliland with daily production capacity of 200 tons a viable and a much-needed business in...

Ministry of Investment Insists on the Existence of A Fake Chinese Bank

In psychology, “being in denial” is accepted as a defense mechanism in which a person, faced with a painful fact, rejects the reality of...

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Security Reform vs. Security Risk: Weighing the Implications of Somaliland’s Military Biometric System

Key Points Somaliland's biometric registration of security personnel aims to...

Somaliland and Taiwan: Standing Their Ground Against Beijing’s Bullying

In a blunt rebuke that has reverberated across diplomatic...

Somaliland: A Key ally for the US in countering China and Iran in the Red Sea and the Horn of Africa

Beijing is increasingly assertive in Africa, aiming to expand...

Somalia’s House of Cards: The Inevitable Collapse of America’s $50 Billion Mistake

Somalia's House of Cards: As US billions evaporate, so does the mirage of stability. When flights stop, corruption ranks 179/180, Al-Shabaab follows Taliban's playbook, and Trump cuts aid – the chickens come home to roost. A $50B failed experiment nears its inevitable conclusion. #Somalia

Freedom of Expression Tested as Somaliland Detains Former U.S. Envoy

HARGEISA—Somaliland government have detained Rashid Nur Absiye, commonly known...