According to law enforcement sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, prisoners in Hargeisa prison revolted following an objection to a prisoner who was...
There are no shortages of references, including academic research papers, how-to-books, or philosophical concepts describing the qualities of effective leadership; however, there is one...
The outgoing Mayor of Hargeisa Mr. Abdirahman Aideed SOLTELCO has conceded the Mayoral position to Mr. Abdikarim Ahmed Moge who was elected for Hargeisa...
A delegation led by the President of the Republic of Somaliland HE Muse Bihi Abdi will leave for Nairobi in the coming days on an official invitation by the Kenyan government. This will be President Bihi's first visit to Kenya since taking office in 2017.
By Ambassador Bashe Awil, Somaliland Representative to Kenya
In August 2018, Somaliland President Musa Bihi appointed me to come and head the Liaison office in...