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Unite for Peace in the World and Taiwan’s Inclusion in the UN


Jaushieh Joseph Wu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China (Taiwan)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a reminder of how autocracies care little about causing death and destruction. The war is a gross violation of human rights and the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes as codified in the United Nations Charter, which has helped maintain the rules-based international order and kept the world in relative peace since the end of the Cold War.

The war’s humanitarian and economic fallout has also shown that in a globalized world crises cannot be contained within national borders. It is therefore imperative to deter similar threats to global security from happening elsewhere. Taiwan—a democracy that is home to over 23 million people and that I proudly represent—continues to confront enormous challenges posed by China.

Since the mid-20th century, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has vowed to take control of Taiwan and refused to renounce the use of force, despite never having ruled Taiwan. For decades, the people of Taiwan have remained calm in safeguarding the status quo of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. However, as China’s economic and military might has grown stronger, it becomes increasingly aggressive in flexing its military muscle to intimidate Taiwan, thereby threatening our democratic way of life. This includes sending warplanes and ships across the median line of the Taiwan Strait and encroaching into our air defense identification zones. It has also intensified gray-zone tactics, such as disinformation and economic coercion, in an attempt to wear down our will to fight.

The PRC’s expansionism does not stop at Taiwan. China’s use of gray-zone activities in the East and South China Seas are designed to expand its power and substantiate its hawkish territorial claims. In addition to signing a security agreement with Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, the PRC has been securing ports for future military use in the Indian Ocean. All of these maneuvers are causing grave concerns that peace is becoming more difficult to maintain.

Ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is in everyone’s best interest. Half of the world’s commercial container traffic passes through the Taiwan Strait each day. Taiwan produces the majority of the world’s semiconductors and plays a key role in global supply chains. Any conflict in the area would have disastrous consequences for the global economy.

In recent years, bilateral and multilateral forums have repeatedly emphasized that the peace and stability over the Taiwan Strait is indispensable to global security. While we can all agree that the war must be avoided, how to best do so requires inclusion, dialogue, and, most of all, unity.

The United Nations remains the best platform for global discourse. UN officials speak often of joint solutions, solidarity, and inclusion in tackling the pressing issues of our time. Taiwan is more than willing and able to take part in these efforts.

However, Taiwan continues to be excluded from the UN due to China’s distortion of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. This resolution neither states that Taiwan is a part of the PRC nor gives the PRC the right to represent the people of Taiwan in the UN and its specialized agencies. In fact, the resolution only determines who represents the member state China, a fact that the international community and China itself recognized following the relevant vote in 1971. The subsequent misrepresentation of Resolution 2758 contradicts the basic principles upheld by the UN Charter and must be rectified.

The 78th session of the UN General Assembly, which will center on the theme “rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity,” is timely in light of a number of broad global challenges. For example, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were designed as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity. Yet the most recent SDG progress report showed that just 12 percent of SDG targets were on track, while progress on 50 percent has remained insufficient. And on more than 30 percent, we have stalled or even regressed.

While there are no easy answers, the first step is dialogue. As a truly global institution, the UN can serve as a champion of progress. We call on the UN to uphold its principle of leaving no one behind by allowing Taiwan to participate in the UN system, rather than excluding it from discussions on issues requiring global cooperation. A good first step would be to allow Taiwanese individuals and journalists to attend or cover relevant meetings, as well as ensure Taiwan’s meaningful participation in meetings and mechanisms regarding the SDGs.

Ukraine’s incredible bravery and resilience have inspired countries around the globe. The war there has forged a new sense of togetherness in the world. Unity is crucial to pushing back against Russia’s aggression and to preserving universal values, such as human rights and global peace, more broadly.

It is vital to make China and other authoritarian governments aware that they will be held accountable and to urge them to settle differences through peaceful means. Allowing Taiwan to meaningfully participate in the UN system would benefit the world’s efforts to address pressing global issues. This would also demonstrate the UN’s determination to unite for global peace at a critical juncture when the future of the world is at stake.

We are stronger together. Now is the time to act on this fundamental principle by including Taiwan.

Trafigura Investing $50 Million on Berbera Fuel Storage


Muse Bihi Abdi, the Somaliland president, today formally set the foundation stone for the construction of new fuel storage tanks in Berbera invested by the Trafigura Company.

The president and his entourage are in Berbera, the Sahel region’s capital, on an official visit for just such task that would significantly improve the nation and its neighbors’ access to avoidable gasoline.

First, Ahmed Ibrahim Abdi, the manager of the Fuel Storage Facility, spoke at the event and discussed the significance of this project for the country. He also touted it as a significant foreign investment that can draw other international companies.

The mayor of the Berbera Municipality – Abdishakur Mohamud Hassan (Ciddin) – and the governor of the Sahil region – Ali Abdi Abdilahi (Ali-case) – both discussed the expansion of the fuel reservoir’s capacity and how this kind of project strengthens the economic value of Berber city to the country.

Hadi Hallouche, who was acting on behave of “Trafigura” the company that puts investment into the new fuel tanks, adulated Somaliland for its collaboration and investment friendly climate, and further underlined that his company is committed to carrying out the task all the way to the finish line.

The Ministers for Finance and Trade Developments, Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire and Mr. Mohamud Hassan Sa’ad (Saajin), respectively, also praised the Trafigura company’s decision to invest in petroleum storage tanks in Berbera and said that Somaliland will benefit much from this initiative.

Finally, Somaliland president, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, said a few remarks at the event by praising the project to increase fuel storage capacity and emphasized that the government will be fully responsible for the security of the company, its personnel, property, and investments

One of the biggest trading and logistics corporations in the world is Trafigura with a revenue over $300 billion

Guest piece first published on SII

Justice for Fallen Somaliland Police Officers is Must


Last year, the Wadani party leaders including presidential nominee Cirro attended a reception that took place at a local hotel in the Dumbuluq ward of Hargeysa.

The Keynote speaker of the reception was the ‘despicable’ Oof-wareen — the ringleader of the armed thugs hiding in the Gacan Libaax mountains. At that gathering, in a fiery speech, he called for inciting communal violence. He called for his clan kinsmen to take up arms and start shooting members of the Bihi administration belonging to his clan if the election is not held on time. The party leaders, including Cirro, and the whole room applauded his vile, hateful rhetoric.

Just four weeks ago we saw the result of that fiery speech. Armed thugs, belonging to the security detail of Cirro took positions at Gacan Libaax National Park. On August 11, they ambushed JSL police officers, killed 15 policemen and wounded dozens——the deadliest police attack in our history.

Among the dead was Captain Ahmed Abdillahi who recently finished police training in Britain. He was one of the few officers from the marginalized Gabooye community, in the Somaliland police.  The armed thugs posted online a gruesome video showing the desecration of the corpse of the officer who was shot in the head. Islam forbids desecration of the dead. In fact, in the 7th century, Abu Bakr, father-in-law of the prophet Muhammad and Islam’s first caliph, issued 10 rules to his people for their guidance on the battlefield. Among them: ‘You must not mutilate dead bodies.’

What we’re dealing with is lawlessness. Oof-wareen is a brutal thug who committed heinous crimes for the past three decades. He must be brought to justice. Somaliland should use whatever force is necessary to defeat these savages!

Here are some of the catalogue of offenses Oof-wareen committed for the past three decades: He allegedly murdered several women and was also involved in the violent murder of the former Hargeisa mayor’s father, for a hundred dollars. He carried out sexual assaults on teenage girls, burgled vulnerable people’s homes and businesses, and violently robbed people crossing the bridge into Dumbuluq ward.

On August 10, around 8 am local time, Oof-wareen’s armed thugs attacked the border village of Daba-Gorayaale. According to the mayor of the village, the bandits took away three guns from three police officers who were sleeping while they were on duty at the police station. They also took away a further gun from a police officer at a customs checkpoint, without a fight. They looted two vehicles belonging to Halo, an International NGO working on Demining.  They also attacked Odweine township before moving into the border village.

The Interior Minister and the police chief must do their job. They have been AWOL and silent about the violence of the armed thugs who have been terrorizing our communities, and looting the NGOs that are helping our people.

Colonel Kahin is giving more priority to his presidential campaign and the Kulmiye party than running the day-to-day operations of the Ministry of Interior responsible for public safety despite the security challenges Somaliland is facing. That is a mistake, he is losing the confidence and the trust of Somaliland’s people. Every day the Bihi administration fails to bring justice to the perpetrators of the massacre, deepening   the sense of chaos and confusion.

For the good of the country, Oof-wareen must be killed or captured. Law and order must prevail in Somaliland Republic! We should let the Somaliland National Defense Force (SLNDF)take over this operation. This is not a law-enforcement matter. This is a very serious National security matter, and there is no room for error.

These brazen attacks are part of a well-coordinated insurrection to bring down our republic. Their plan is to cause chaos and confusion to our people, and to subvert our nation.

What we saw also the last few weeks in Gacan-Libaax, was not about people protesting election delays, bad governance, or injustice, but it is anti-Somaliland anarchists with ties to Las-Anood clan militias who are using violence to bring down our government and to undermine our peace and security. Their mission is to make Somaliland Republic the sixth federal member state of the struggling Somali Federal Republic, but they will never succeed.

We should address our political grievances through peaceful means and not through “blood and violence” as some Wadani leaders are advocating. If they are not part of the mayhem, they should condemn Oof-wareen and his armed thugs. Cirro should also call them to stand down and face justice or the wrath of SLNDF!

More importantly, the corrupt clan elders who are calling for the withdrawal of our law enforcement from Gacan Libaax are ignorant about religion, national security, and public safety.

We should not equate our law enforcement with armed gangs. This is a reckless idea. Instead, we must send more reinforcements, including SLNDF.

The loss of the fallen police officers leaves an indelible mark on their loved ones, colleagues, and the community they served.

Wadani and UCID party leaders are complicit in the violence and banditry of the armed thugs. They are plotting behind the scenes. In fact, they’re aiding the anarchists because they are not interested in taking part in elections for all political groups.

Our republic is under attack. We’re running out of time Mr. President, stop dithering and take swift action to stop the madness and lawlessness prevailing in some pockets of Somaliland Republic. Deploy the special police RRU and SLNDF in order to defeat the anti-Somaliland anarchists and restore order.

Peace and order will be restored, Somaliland Republic will prevail!

Ali-Guban Mohamed


Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Somaliland Chronicle. Somaliland Chronicle is an online news outlet that seeks to publish well-argued and policy-oriented articles on Somaliland nation’s priorities in foreign affairs, education, healthcare, economy, energy, and infrastructure

The Two Colonels & their Cronies Failed Somaliland


Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat, author, philosopher and historian who lived during the Renaissance, wrote in his best-known book, the prince, “A prudent man should always follow in the footsteps of great men and imitate those who have been outstanding. If a man’s prowess fails to be compatible to that of great men, at least it must have an air of greatness. Man, if he is prudent, should behave like those archers who, if they are skillful, when the target seems too distant, know the capabilities of their bow and aim a good deal higher than their objective, not in order to shoot so high but so that by aiming high they can reach the target.”

In sum, good leadership consists of three fundamental aspirations and availabilities: creating vision, embracing commitment to that vision and managing progress toward the realization of the

One way of monitoring if government’s high ranking officials, they be presidents, parliamentarians, or ministers, are maturing and developing as good leaders, is to check whether or not they have the instincts to understand that they should be more mindful of pacing themselves to take the time to self-evaluate and learm from their mistakes.

When leaders self-evaluate themselves, they come to find out in where they are weak and where they are strong. Self-evaluation enables leaders to admit their mistakes, which in turn enables them to learn new experiences that show something they didn’t do it right, reveal somethings they haven’t done, discover the true level of their skill, and make them know what matters most to the public and what doesn’t. That is, knowing where one is right or wrong, sounds to be the most important experiences that any leader can acquire and accumulate in leadership role.

Oddly enough, Somaliland leaders don’t have a learning behavior of that sort, whether they are the mujahids the two Colonels, the ministers, the parliament members, the Guurti, or the judicial authorities, the three most powerful branches of S/land government. They neither follow in the footsteps of great men, nor they are able to demonstrate that their leadership skills have even an air of worthiness to lead.

In view of this weakness in Somaliland current government institutions, riding on today’s incumbent leadership character is like trying to make something out of nothing.

The common vice of today’s Somaliland leadership is the disregard for the difference between who builds up Somaliland and who destroys it; who divides its people and who unites them; who stirs up conflicts in the communities and who has the concern to calm and cure conflicts before they turn into clashes and confrontations; who leads S/land with naive outlook and attitude that might put the nation in irresistible troubles and who has clearly identified vision and the plan to achieve the vision that can get S/land to where it has never been; who always has the agenda that devices wicked plans and who has the heart that sows harmony among S/land societies; who has the feet that are quick to shed blood of innocent people and who has the spirit for healing the wounds people suffer from, without distinction and discrimination.

Having an open mind that can seek other people’s opinions is one way of knowing if an individual can be a leader. Having problem-solving skills like the late great elder Haji Abdi Warabe is also a sign of being a leader. Showing positive attitude is still another trait that displays the eligibility of being a leader. Referring back to one’s background, as to who one is personally, and how are his skills towards changes and challenges, his approach to handle conflicts, and his behavior with regard to social and political role and responsibility is providing the best way to figure out if a person could be a responsible leader.

It is unlikely that a person who lacks those leadership qualities can become a leader at any rate, for any nation, where people refer to a person’s level of knowledgeability when choosing a leader.

Somaliland is not a country where a person’s knowledgeability is respected or reckoned with. The person who is respected and whose manliness is reckoned with is the one who doesn’t get lazy at being not only prominent figure, but a predator of every kind and shape.

The disregard for leadership qualities mostly comes up when communities fail to check and make sure the true character of the person who can be a leader and who can’t. Of course, failure by Somaliland communities to give attention to elect the right person into the position of public trust has put our nation into leadership and political crisis.

In fact, leadership and political crisis that Somaliland people suffer constantly include poor judgement, poor leadership preparation, incapacity to predict the future, resistance to listen to public voice, lack of learning behavior, inability to manage differences that arise when two sides disagree on certain issues

The two Colonels in power are not really above those weaknesses in today’s Somaliland leadership role. They are below those crises, without doubt.

Contrary to how some people think, Somaliland leadership crisis is not only when those who are in control show the tendency to run and rule the country according to their own outlook, but it is also when those in power become unfit for the job they have for the people and become unable to lead the country in the right and required way. More importantly, Somaliland poor leadership turned out to be a disaster as the two Colonels took decisions that threaten S/land’s peace and stability

Most people say that the two Colonels and their cronies have failed in leading this nation aright; a thought that simply shows the fact that leaders cannot be prefect. In that people may have a point, but there are points that most people fail to notice. The points which need to be clear to everybody are such that the two Colonels and those that always rally behind them have already made up their little minds and determined to stay in power at any cost, even if the consequences of their staying in power might ultimately result in an irreversible catastrophe that will, in turn, cause S/land’s sudden crumble and collapse.

The two Colonels and their cronies have succeeded in formulating a chain of conspiracies that enabled them to stay in power as long as they want, without public consent.

The two Colonels believe that Somaliland people can be governed by force and that use of power is only what really works well, when it comes to ruling this nation. They think that governance is being scoped always by brutality. They don’t know that persuasion is better than use of force. Punishing and brutalizing people instead of treating them fairly and paying attention to what they need or say is totally what the Colonels have grown to accustom.

The two Colonels and their father of tribalism, Saleebaan Gaal, never shy away to keep Somaliland people in crisis and conflicts; they never shy away to create what pulls Somaliland people apart; they never shy away to divide Somaliland people into foes and friends; they never shy to do what even women shy away to do.

Mr. president and his colleagues in his administration never shy to arrest citizens who speak In their minds like Bushaare Baanday, the freelance journalist, who had been caught by S/land security forces in Wajaale, and every other body who tries to tell something about the Colonels’ conspiracy theories to prolong their pennaceous ruling behavior.

The two Colonels never shy away to detain any citizen who uses to criticis their foolish actions for a considerable time, without taking into account the fundamental principle of our system of justice that every person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent unless and until his or her guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt.

How did the Colonels set out their strategy, the roadmap to prolong their rule?

The Colonels’ first conspiracy began with the initiative to open new political associations even though Somaliland election system doesn’t accommodate a process in which new political parties’ election can be held separately from local council elections.

But president Muse Bihi did not see that the lack of consolidated election laws for presidential and newly registered political parties will create a conflict over holding the election without a law. Mr. president and his hotchpotch administration decided to be out of legality and proceeded to form the committee for registration of new political organizations and approval of political parties.

Of course the president had three main goals in opening new political parties. The first goal was to make Waddani’s growing popularity to gain more fans and votes from Eastern Somaliland constituencies less powerful and less effective. The second goal was to eliminate Ucid party out of the political scene. And the third aim was to replace both parties, Waddani and Ucid, with the new parties, an option still standing to be utilized by the ruling junta, should things go as planned.

Parallel to this unconstitutional move, the president secretly intervened in the former National Electoral Commission Members headed by Riyo Raac and influenced them to resign individually in return of undisclosed reward, bribery to put it in its proper context. The NEC resignation prompted the need to form new NEC that required a considerable time to learn election formalities and acquire the skills for holding elections and voter registration process.

In fact, president’s initiative to open new parties and pressure the already existed NEC to quit was a conspiracy to undermine the timeline in which presidential election that was supposed to be held on 15 Nov 2022.

After that mission was successfully fulfilled, the parliament’s upper house, the Guurti, proceeded to extend Bihi’s mandate by two years without prior agreement between opposition parties and ruling party. The extension was absolutely undemocratic, not authorized or approved by Somaliland’s supreme laws. The extension can be also interpreted probably as a collusion between Muse Bihi and Saleebaan Gaal, that only meant that no more presidential election will take place in S/land in the years to come.

The argument over the constitutionality of opening new parties between president Bihi and opposition parties escalated peaceful demonstrations in which Somaliland police forces killed armless protesters in Erigavo, Burao and Hargeisa; a well-organized assault at opposition supporters which would have been escalated to civil war if the leaders of parties didn’t show up to cool down the peoples’ anger and agony.

On the other hand, the war in Lasanod is believed to be a project that meant to manipulate Muse Bihi’s chances to stay in office. The warring strategy which keeps Somaliland forces to be stationed in and around Goojacade and controls their strength to recapture Lasanod city while they are under constant attack by the local armed militias and their allies just proves that Lasanod war is a conspiracy to prolong Muse Bihi’s term.

If those who are in power, at their own discretion, disregard the elements of what basically structures shared values, the building blocks that protect and preserve the nation’s constitution; if those who are in power abandon and ignore the nation’s supreme laws whenever they want and no other legal institution has the power to return them to the nation’s social contract, what else can set out how all the elements of government are organized and how power is carved up among different political units?

Somaliland truly suffers painful effects of lawlessness. The laws that are made and meant to regulate how democracy deals with political conflicts are no longer in use. The reason for this to happen is that the head of the incumbent administration is tempted to take the law into his own hands, since other institutions that are supposed to protect national law are not doing their jobs.

All above versions show that Somaliland people see two different attitudes in the ruling party leadership and opposition parties’ leadership: Belligerent attitude and pacifist attitude.

All of us know that Muse Bihi always takes belligerent attitude towards political conflicts and refuses to negotiate with opposition parties over the form of any joint decision which they might take to manage and resolve the dispute between them.

The questions are: Who is a threat to Somaliland’s hard-earned peace and stability? Who wants to lead this nation into war? Who wants to go by his own little mindset and be out of legality? Who wants to lead this nation with lies? Who want to lead this nation according to his foolish outlook? Muse Bihi or Abdirahman Cirro or Faisal Ali? Who cares? That is what the lack of public outcry means.

Failure to stop the wrongdoers, the useless Guurti that always endorses whatever the arrogant and ignorant Colonels suggest, from taking further actions that will surely put Somaliland’s hard-earned peace and stability into risk, will mean the end of S/land state.


a paperback that is in the pipeline for publishing
By: Jama Abdillahi Ismail (Falaag)
Somaliland, Hargeisa

Guest article first appeared on SII

Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, viewpoints of Somaliland Chronicle, and its staff.

US East Africa’s Policy: Dismissing Somaliland’s Democracy, Sudan’s Failure, & Eritrea’s Threat


China and Russia have recently increased their engagement with Eritrea, a small but strategically located country in East Africa. Meanwhile, American influence in the region is amid a yearslong slide. Despite the obvious risks, the United States has failed to muster a committed response and has even taken some counterproductive measures that demonstrate a lack of strategic thinking. If these trends continue, a vital region may fall under the conclusive influence of Washington’s primary geopolitical competitors

A Long and Deepening Friendship

Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki recently made a four-day state visit to China, where he was feted with a red carpet and a 21-gun salute. This warm reception reflects his long relationship with Beijing, which predates Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopia. In 1967, Afewerki and others from what was then northern Ethiopia traveled to China for military training. Almost 30 years later, the same group would lead the insurgency that won Eritrean independence. Afewerki is reportedly a devotee of Mao Zedong and admires the Chinese Communist Party. He has visited Beijing five times since 1994, and shares China’s goal of reorienting the global order away from the US and the West.

The Eritrean government’s China policy reflects Afewerki’s sympathies. The ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) started participating in exchanges with the CCP years ago, and Eritrean dignitaries regularly visit Beijing. Three senior officials—Foreign Minister Osman Saleh, Head of the PFDJ’s Economic Affairs Hagos Gebrehiwet, and Presidential Adviser Yemane Gebreab—account for at least 15 total visits to China since 2010. The Sino-Eritrean relationship even survived the revelation that China sold weapons to both sides of Eritrea and Ethiopia’s vicious border war from 1998 to 2000.

Beijing reciprocates Asmara’s enthusiasm. Since Eritrea’s independence, four of five Chinese foreign ministers (excluding the newly emplaced current minister) have visited the country during their tenure. Since 1997, 16 Chinese medical teams have worked in Eritrea. China is Eritrea’s largest investor, contractor, and trade partner, and Chinese companies built some of the country’s most important infrastructure. This work includes an upgrade to the primary port of Massawa and a road that links Massawa and Assab, the site of another port

Russia’s Recent Engagements

Shortly after his visit to Beijing, Afewerki jetted off to Moscow for discussions with President Vladimir Putin. Russia’s ties with Eritrea are much less extensive than China’s, in part because the Soviet Union’s 1991 collapse severely curtailed Russia’s Africa outreach. But like Afewerki’s visit to China, this trip to Russia is part of a broader campaign to deepen ties. Four months before Afewerki’s Moscow trip, Sergei Lavrov made the first-ever visit to Eritrea by a Russian foreign minister. Both Lavrov and Putin have urged Afewerki to attend the July Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg, though it is unclear if he will do so. Eritrea was also the only African country to vote against two United Nations resolutions condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And Eritrea, along with China, Russia, and a rogues’ gallery of other states, founded the anti-Western Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations in 2021.

Eritrea is only about the size of Virginia, with a population of around six million people. But Asmara punches above its weight in geopolitical significance because of where it sits. It has nearly 1,400 miles of Red Sea coastline and shares a maritime border with Yemen and Saudi Arabia. It holds a commanding position on the Bab al Mandeb Strait, a global shipping chokepoint, and its islands pepper the Red Sea approach to the strait. Assab is closer than any other port to the heart of the Bab, and much of Eritrea may be mineral rich.

The Implications for the US

Alarm bells should be ringing in the Pentagon and State Department. If China develops a base—or possibly even dual-use infrastructure—in Assab or Massawa to complement its base in neighboring Djibouti, it would be able to blockade the Bab al Mandeb Strait. If a confrontation with China were to occur, such a closure would force America’s Sixth Fleet to waste precious days steaming from the Mediterranean Sea around the southern tip of Africa to get to the Indian or Pacific Oceans. Beijing could also cut off access to the Port of Djibouti, which is critical for the operations of the nearby US military base, and which is used by five of the Department of Defense’s eleven combatant commands.

Eritrea has recently begun to grant basing rights to foreign powers. The United Arab Emirates—another country rapidly deepening ties with China and Russia—operated a military base at Assab for years as part of its Yemen operations, and made improvements to the airstrip there. Several years ago, the UAE began dismantling parts of the base. However, it is unclear whether it fully withdrew or still maintains a presence there, particularly as the original lease was for 30 years.

Russia also wants a base in the region to bolster its ability to project power into the Red Sea with the potential to cause problems for the US. In 2018, Moscow signed an agreement with Asmara to establish a logistics base, but nothing appears to have come of it. However, Lavrov may have revisited the topic in his January visit to Asmara, and there are rumors that the Wagner Group already has an undefined presence in Eritrea. (Notwithstanding the recent Moscow-Wagner split, Wagner’s Africa operations are of such value to Moscow that they are likely to continue in some form.) Moscow also tried to secure its own base in Djibouti but was rebuffed, and has long pressed the Sudanese government for basing rights in Port Sudan on the Red Sea

Eritrea’s increased closeness with two of Washington’s primary competitors comes amid years of decline in American influence in the Horn of Africa. Eritrea’s eastern neighbor is Djibouti, which hosts an American military base. As of 2017, Djibouti also hosts China’s first overseas military base, a hardened encampment with a pier large enough to support a Chinese aircraft carrier and nuclear submarines. Chinese companies have built or begun managing two of the Djibouti seaport’s four commercial terminals and have constructed much of the country’s recent infrastructure, which contributes to Djibouti’s heavy Chinese debt load.

To Djibouti’s east sits Somalia, which is wracked by conflict and corruption despite the billions of dollars that the US and others have showered on Mogadishu for a decade. Its foreign minister, Abshir Omar Jama, recently visited Moscow for talks with Lavrov. They reportedly discussed military cooperation, raising the specter of Wagner mercenaries being stationed in Somalia.

To Eritrea’s west lies Sudan, which has over 500 miles of Red Sea coastline. Civil war broke out there in April, derailing years of American efforts to help cement a civilian-led government. Meanwhile, Russia has a strong presence in the country, primarily through Wagner.

America’s Non-Response towards Somaliland

The US faces the increasing likelihood that thousands of miles of Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean coastline will become progressively more inhospitable. Two of the three countries—Eritrea and Djibouti—that command the Bab al Mandeb Strait could fall irretrievably into the Chinese camp. Yet Washington’s response has been either apathetic or ineffective. In Sudan, the US spends most of its diplomatic energy supporting doomed ceasefires. And despite years of warnings from senior US military officers, Washington has failed to halt or even impede China’s growing influence in Djibouti.

Meanwhile, the US has allowed one of its most promising relationship in the whole region to cool. Washington has slowed its engagement with pro-American Somaliland, with its recently renovated Berbera seaport and airport, over delayed elections and a territorial dispute in its east. Those concerns are legitimate. However, the US is losing out in an important part of the world, and tightening relations with Somaliland is one way to ameliorate that problem. Washington should not let concerns about Somaliland’s delayed elections or violence in the east, which are ancillary to American interests, derail its pursuit of core interests.

Eritrea’s increasingly close relations with Beijing and Moscow likely mean that the situation in the Horn of Africa will soon get even worse for Washington. The warning signs are obvious. But whether Washington is paying sufficient attention—or has a workable plan for addressing the problem—is much less clear.

About the Author

Joshua Meservey is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, where he focuses on great power competition in Africa, African geopolitics, and counterterrorism. He was previously a research fellow for Africa at the Heritage Foundation. Before joining Heritage, he worked at the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center and at the US Army Special Operations Command, where he helped write an Army concept paper. He also worked at Church World Service (CWS) based out of Nairobi, Kenya, and traveled extensively in East and Southern Africa interviewing refugees. He is a returned Peace Corps volunteer who served in Zambia and extended his service there to work for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Source: Content first published by Hudson Institute under different title

Somaliland Office in Taiwan Rejects Sexual Misconduct Allegations


The Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan has rebuffed a former employee’s claim of unfair dismissal, telling CNA Thursday that the worker was fired due to “persistently breaching” her employment contract.

The woman, identified only as “A,” started working as a special assistant to Somaliland’s representative to Taiwan Mohamed Omar Hagi Mohamoud in May 2021, Kuomintang (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Chang Szu-kang (張斯綱) told reporters at a press conference Thursday. At the press conference, “A” alleged that Mohamoud held her responsible when one of his personal employees, a Filipino worker, left their job without warning. “A” said he checked her phone multiple times, and despite not finding relevant evidence on it, dismissed her in August 2022.

When she was fired, a co-worker went through her possessions, stating it was for official purposes, she said, adding that the co-worker repeatedly hugged her without her consent. The woman filed a case of sexual misconduct against that co-worker, which was turned down by prosecutors. She then asked a court to send the case to trial, but that appeal was also rejected by the court.

She also filed a civil lawsuit against the Somaliland office regarding her dismissal, but this was thrown out on June 29 by the Taiwan High Court after Mohamoud claimed diplomatic immunity. “The cases filed by the petitioner, which involved allegations of sexual harassment and wrongful dismissal, have all been brought before the court and prosecutors have decided not to bring charges in both cases,” the Somaliland Representative Office said, when asked for comment by CNA.

The office said it terminated its contract with the former employee because she “persistently breached contract terms and ignored multiple warnings.” In the press conference, the woman also alleged that the office initially did not want to give her overtime pay and labor and health insurance and only agreed after she made multiple requests.

When she was fired, a co-worker went through her possessions, stating it was for official purposes, she said, adding that the co-worker repeatedly hugged her without her consent. The woman filed a case of sexual misconduct against that co-worker, which was turned down by prosecutors. She then asked a court to send the case to trial, but that appeal was also rejected by the court.

She also filed a civil lawsuit against the Somaliland office regarding her dismissal, but this was thrown out on June 29 by the Taiwan High Court after Mohamoud claimed diplomatic immunity. “The cases filed by the petitioner, which involved allegations of sexual harassment and wrongful dismissal, have all been brought before the court and prosecutors have decided not to bring charges in both cases,” the Somaliland Representative Office said, when asked for comment by CNA.

The office said it terminated its contract with the former employee because she “persistently breached contract terms and ignored multiple warnings.” In the press conference, the woman also alleged that the office initially did not want to give her overtime pay and labor and health insurance and only agreed after she made multiple requests.

Source: Focus Taiwan

The Impact of Postponing Political Elections in Somaliland


Somaliland, a self-declared independent state located in the Horn of Africa, has been striving for stability and democratic governance since its separation from Somalia in 1991. With its own government, military, currency, and legal system, Somaliland has emerged as a unique entity in the region. One of its notable achievements has been the successful organization of free and fair elections, setting an example for other African nations. However, the recent decision to postpone political elections in Somaliland, due to a disagreement between major political parties regarding the sequence of elections, has raised concerns about the potential consequences for democracy, political stability, and socio-economic development. This essay aims to analyze the impact of postponing political elections in Somaliland, exploring the reasons behind the decision, its potential consequences, and the importance of open and transparent communication in addressing public concerns.

Somaliland, situated in the northwest of Somalia, has a population of approximately 4.5 million people. Since its declaration of independence, Somaliland has made significant strides in establishing democratic institutions and holding regular elections. These elections have been widely regarded as free and fair by international observers, showcasing Somaliland’s commitment to democratic principles and transparent electoral processes. In a region often plagued by political instability and electoral irregularities, Somaliland stands as a beacon of democracy, setting an example for other African nations.

However, the recent disagreement between the major political parties in Somaliland regarding the sequence of elections has resulted in the postponement of political elections. The ruling party and the opposition have divergent views on whether the presidential election should take place first or be followed by the party elections that determine the three major political parties participating in formal politics for the next decade. This disagreement has created a contentious political environment, jeopardizing the stability that Somaliland has worked hard to achieve.

To fully understand the impact of postponing political elections, it is crucial to delve into the specific positions of the ruling party and the opposition. The ruling party believes that holding the party elections first is essential for maintaining stability within the political landscape, while the opposition argues that the presidential election should take precedence to ensure a legitimate mandate for the elected government. This disagreement not only highlights differing visions for the future of Somaliland but also exposes potential power struggles and political maneuvering that can undermine the democratic process.

The consequences of postponing political elections in Somaliland extend beyond the immediate concerns of democracy. Political stability is closely linked to the timely organization of elections, as they provide a legitimate framework for governance and a peaceful transition of power. The disagreement between political parties has created uncertainty and a power vacuum, increasing the potential for political tensions and instability. This volatile situation can lead to protests, violence, and a loss of public trust in the democratic process.

The violent clashes in August, as well as the opposition’s threat to no longer recognize the government led by President Muse Bihi, highlight the potential consequences of the current political impasse. Increased political tensions can further escalate into social unrest, jeopardizing the hard-earned stability of Somaliland. It is essential to recognize that the consequences of postponing elections extend far beyond the political realm. The overall socio-economic development of Somaliland is at stake, as political instability hampers progress and discourages investment and international partnerships.

Moreover, the postponement of elections raises questions about the government’s commitment to upholding democratic principles and respecting the will of the people. Open and transparent communication becomes crucial in addressing public concerns and ensuring public trust. The government must take responsibility for effectively communicating the reasons behind the decision and engaging in dialogue with all stakeholders. Clear explanations should be provided to regain public confidence in the electoral process and demonstrate a commitment to democratic values.

In addition to the government’s responsibility, civil society organizations and the international community play crucial roles in supporting transparent communication efforts. Civil society organizations can act as intermediaries, fostering dialogue between the ruling party and the opposition, and amplifying the voices of the people. The international community, as a trusted partner of Somaliland, should encourage political elites to find a consensus path forward and offer to mediate if necessary. By volunteering to serve as guarantors for any resolution that emerges, the international community can reinforce public confidence in the electoral process and support the stability of Somaliland.

Somaliland’s hard-earned stability and international recognition are at risk. The postponement of elections and the ongoing political dispute threaten to undermine the region’s democratic trajectory. To mitigate these challenges, it is essential for Somaliland’s political elites to prioritize the interests of the nation above their individual party agendas. A consensus must be reached on the sequencing of elections, ensuring a fair and inclusive process that upholds democratic values.

In conclusion, the postponement of political elections in Somaliland due to a disagreement between major political parties presents significant challenges to democracy, political stability, and socio-economic development. To fully understand the impact, it is necessary to explore the specific positions of the ruling party and the opposition. The consequences extend beyond the immediate concerns and raise questions about the government’s commitment to democratic principles. 

Open and transparent communication, along with mediation efforts by the international community, can help address public concerns and foster a path forward. By finding a consensus and rescheduling the elections, Somaliland can safeguard its hard-earned stability, preserve its democratic reputation, and continue its progress toward international recognition.

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Sayidcali Ismail AhmedSayidcali Ahmed is a MasterCard Foundation’19 scholar currently studying at Westminster College (USA), double majoring in Political Science and Global and Transnational Studies. He works for the senate of the Student Government Association and as a treasurer of the Global Development and Progress Club. Ahmed also serves as a resident advisor and Math tutor. In addition, Ahmed is a fellow of The Public Policy & International Affairs Program at Princeton University. After graduating from Westminster College, Ahmed plans to pursue a career in public policy, especially in Education Policy and Analysis (EPA), to participate in policy development, research, analysis, and organizational leadership in developing countries and worldwide.

Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, viewpoints of Somaliland Chronicle, and its staff. 

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Notice: This is an article by Somaliland Chronicle and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Under this license, all reprints and non-commercial distribution of this work is permitted.

The Late Journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed Buried in Hargeisa, Somaliland


May Allah Almighty rest in peace, the funeral was held today in Hargeisa for the late journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed, who passed away yesterday in a hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The burial service of the late journalist Madar Abdi Ahmed was held this evening at Baqiic graveyard on the edges of Hargeisa, and was attended by Somaliland government officials, the media community and a large number of the public.

Journalists and officials who attended the funeral described the deceased’s personality and the role he played in the growth of the Somaliland media, particularly radio and television, as a leader.

He has been described as a gifted person with good manners, tolerance, patience, determination, talented, and polite who stood by anyone who needed advice and assistance, according to journalists from various parts of the country’s media.

The deceased was described as a person who was blessed by Allah Almighty for reaching out to people who needed help and assistance by the Ambassador of Somaliland to Djibouti, the Chairman of the Somaliland Civic Services agency, and the Chairman of Sagaljet Company, all of whom knew the deceased during his time in the media and before.

Burial of late Madar Abdi Ahmed

His Days in the Arena of Somaliland Media

May Allah Almighty rest in peace on the late Madar Abdi Ahmed in the Hereafter, he was born sometime in 1979, grew up in, received his schooling from Middle School to University level in Hargeisa.

Before the establishment of Somaliland National Television (SLNTV), the late Madar, considered one of the veteran journalists who have been in the country’s media for quite a while, began his career at Hargeisa TV, which was the first television station in the country, as a correspondent reporting daily news and preparing historical programs that aired on that television which was later called Somaliland Space Channel. He also worked on Horn Cable TV for several years.

After that, he worked at the Somaliland Ministry of Information and, more precisely, at the Somaliland National Television. There, a number of seasoned journalists who had previously worked for private media outlets congregated with the intention of enhancing the production of government media.

Late Madar Abdi Ahmed

The late Madar will be remembered and will go down the history for a remarkable series of programs that he prepared about the massacre of the Somaliland people by the government of late Siad Barre, one of which was the ethnic cleansing that took place on the Jazira Beach in the outskirts of Mogadishu in 1989. The deceased had an interview with the only person who survived from that massacre

Late in 2013, the late Madar established a media outlet in Hargeisa called Himilo Media Group, including its newspaper known as Himilo after taking over the ownership from Ahmed Sandoon, who owned the name of the newspaper that used to appear in 1998 – 2002.

Guest article first published on SII

Parliament Prepping Somaliland for Petroleum Production


Genel is looking for resources of more than two billion barrels of oil in Somaliland, an extremely promising onshore exploration province.

Genel received an exploration license for Somaliland’s onshore blocks SL-10-B and SL-13 in August 2012. In November 2012, Genel expanded its presence by purchasing a 50% participating interest in the Odewayne Production Sharing Agreement, which includes blocks SL-6, SL-7, and SL-10A. Onshore Somaliland is a relatively unexplored region with few drilled exploration wells. The blocks are roughly the same size as the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in total.

Genel announced in December 2021 that it had signed a farm-out agreement with OPIC Somaliland Corporation (‘OSC’) for the SL10B13 block. OSC would receive all of Genel’s future capital investment from Taiwan’s CPC Corporation, a state-owned company. OSC was granted a working interest in the block worth 49 percent under the terms of the agreement in exchange for a cash premium and a cash consideration equal to 49 percent of all Genel’s previous back costs. Genel recently held a 100 percent working revenue, and will go on as administrator.

On the highly prospective SL10B13 block, preparations for the drilling of a well are currently underway. The possibility to be penetrated has been recognized, concurred with our accomplice, and an ideal well area chose to best objective the stacked Mesozoic supply targets with individual planned asset gauges going from 100 to 200 MMbbls.

The geotechnical review has now finished as Genel progress towards development of the well cushion. Tendering for the rig and well services has begun, and assessments of the impact on society and the environment are currently underway.

The planned SL10B13 region is c.150 kilometers from the port at Berbera, offering a course to global business sectors.

Somaliland is a country rich in various natural resources such as oil. In recent times, the government has been making efforts to attract both national and international investors.

The Somaliland parliament’s endeavors to set up the country for oil creation are still in their beginning phases. However, the parliament has made significant progress and is well-positioned to attract investment and develop a sustainable oil and gas.

Among these efforts is the Petroleum Exploration and Production Act which was approved by Parliament last year. This rule applies to oil companies, contractors, subcontractors and their employees. The Act governs both offshore and onshore oil operations, but gives the ministry the authority to make regulations and guidelines specifically for oil operations.

The Somaliland parliament must also take into consideration the potential risks associated with petroleum production, such as corruption and environmental damage. To moderate these risks, the parliament ought lay out a number of safeguards, for example, a requirement for oil companies to publish their financial reports and restriction on oil drilling in sensitive environmental areas.

Given the fact that the parliament is a replica of Somaliland people in general, in addition to the steps listed above, it should also pursue building “public awareness” of the potential benefits and risks of petroleum production. Public workshops, consultations, and information about the petroleum law and the government’s plans for the oil and gas sector must be made public by the parliament.

Somaliland Petroleum Exploration and Production Act

The law mentions different licenses that can be applied for by the companies doing oil operations, such as;

1. Preliminary survey permit

Oil companies that take this license can conduct research and exploration of the country’s oil. After the company’s application, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals will issue a preliminary exploration permit for a period of 90 days. The license is not exclusive to anyone, the Ministry will issue it to anyone who meets the requirements for the license.

When the company receives this license, it does not mean that it has a special privilege that it can later enter into the contract for drilling and oil production. The exploration company must share oil data and information with the Ministry free of charge.

2. Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement.

At the time of the exploration and production sharing agreement, the ministry openly broadcasts the agreement to the national and international media. Stakeholders who applied for the contract will pay a fee or amount of money determined by the ministry. After a period of six months, the Council of Ministers decides the winner, if there is no request, the Minister of Energy and Mines can open negotiations with private companies.

This license or agreement between the Ministry and the oil company consists of two phases; In the first phase, oil exploration, the duration of this agreement cannot exceed 10 years, while the second phase of oil production cannot exceed 30 years. If the license holder wants to renew the first phase of this agreement, he must apply (3) three months before the expiration of his license, while the second phase must apply for his renewal (5) five years before the expiration of the license. The Act states that the Ministry shall issue regulations governing the payments to be made to the applicant.

The law gives the power to approve oil contracts to the Cabinet, while the Ministry of Energy and Minerals can revoke licenses from companies if they violate this law, or if the company goes bankrupt or goes into debt or opens a lawsuit that could lead to bankruptcy.

Rights and Obligations of the Licensee.

The licensee’s rights and obligations are detailed in the agreement between him and the government. However, the Act gives companies general rights and obligations.

  Licensee’s Rights

      • Oil companies have entered into a partnership in the field of oil exploration or drilling, the agreement

      • The company can export the fuel according to the agreement

    • The company can construct buildings at the fuel station with the permission of the Ministry.

Obligations of Licensee

1) The company must share with the Ministry within 48 hours the information it receives about the fuel during the execution of fuel operations.

2) The company must protect the data and information of the fuel, it is the duty to provide regular information to the Ministry.

3) The company must protect the safety of the environment and the health of the workers.

4) If the company finds other minerals or other natural resources at the oil field, it must notify the Ministry.

5) The company must pay all taxes.

6) If the company is going to end the oil operations, it must submit the closure plan to the Ministry one year before the expiry of its license.

7) The company, contractor and subcontractor must have insurance.

8) The company can transfer its operations after receiving permission from the Ministry.

9) The company should train its local employees.

10) Gas release permit is approved by the Ministry.

Role of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.

Apart from the above-mentioned ministerial roles, the Ministry supervises the company’s oil operations by appointing an inspector who has the power to enter the oil field. The law obliges the licensee to facilitate inspection activities and to provide the inspector with the information he requests.

The ministry decides where to bury fuel waste and is responsible for the safety of workers and the fuel site in the event of an emergency.

The Act empowers the Ministry to suspend the license if the company does not carry out oil operations in the proper manner, and it also provides for the punishment of the company that does not have a license to carry out oil operations which is (3) three years of imprisonment or one million US dollars or both, if there is fuel sold or used the company will pay the eligible compensation.

The law punishes those who obstruct oil operations. If the company does not submit the information to the Ministry of Petroleum, it will pay a fine of 50,000 US dollars, while if it does not submit the closure plan, it will be fined 20,000 US dollars

Guest article first published on SII

BBC Africa Daily Caught up with Dr. Edna of Somaliland


Over the past six decades, Dr. Edna Adan Ismail has been a nurse and midwife. She has spent her life fighting for maternal health care rights in Somaliland and campaigning against Female Genital Mutilation- a practice which involves the partial or total removal of genitalia. It leaves many women and girls with infections, pain and complications in child birth. She’s been in the news recently because she was awarded The Templeton Prize and prize amounting to almost $1.4 million. The award honors those who “harness the power of the sciences to explore the deepest questions of the universe and humankind’s place and purpose within it”. So today Africa Daily’s Alan Kasujja caught up with Dr Ismail while she was on a trip in London to talk about her life, legacy, maternal healthcare and how it feels to win over a million dollars

Alan Kasujja – Host

Alan Kasujja is a Ugandan journalist who’s been lead presenter on the BBC World Service’s Newsday program since 2012.  In January 2021, he launched Africa Daily, a podcast that provides context to major African stories. He has covered stories globally and across Africa and has presented documentaries on Africa’s transformation for the BBC.

BBC Africa Daily is a daily news podcast from the BBC World Service, hosted by Alan Kasujja. It is a 15-20 minute show that covers the most important stories from Africa for Africa. Each episode sets the scene for a deep dive into one story in particular. The podcast also features interviews with experts and journalists, and it is available on all major podcast platforms.

Guest article first published on SII