Taiwan Government and “Simply Help” foundation based in the USA work together to share daily necessities and medical supplies with Somaliland Government to...
Despite vehemently denying that the International Community has cut all budgetary support to Somalia’s Federal Government following its failure to hold elections and the...
by Jack Gillum and Justin Elliott, ProPublica.
As Turkey launched a military offensive against Kurdish minorities in neighboring Syria in early 2018, Facebook’s top executives faced a political...
The Department of State has issued new guidelines for U.S. government interaction with Taiwan counterparts to encourage U.S. government engagement with...
Somalia's House of Cards: As US billions evaporate, so does the mirage of stability. When flights stop, corruption ranks 179/180, Al-Shabaab follows Taliban's playbook, and Trump cuts aid – the chickens come home to roost. A $50B failed experiment nears its inevitable conclusion. #Somalia