Taiwan Demonstration Farm in Somaliland opens


News Release

His Excellency Ambassador Allen Chenhwa Lou, Taiwan Representative in the Republic of Somaliland, and Hon. Mohamed Haji Osman, Minister of Agricultural Development of the Republic of Somaliland, co-hosts the opening ceremony of the Demonstration Farm in Agamse, Arabsiyo on 4th October 2021.

The Demonstration Farm is the “fruit” of the joint efforts of the Taiwan Technical Mission and Ministry of Agricultural Development for the Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits Project.

The demonstration farm was assigned to the Taiwan Technical Mission to use in April this year. After 6 months’ hard work, the farm has reached a functional status and is ready to do the extension work with local farmers. This farm is designed to be a technique exchange platform. Techniques and know-how related will be tested in the farm and will be extended to local farmers if it is applicable.

Considering the constraints of farming resources of Somaliland, such as water availability, soil fertility, high evaporation, and lack of diversity of products. Some tactics such as protection farming, dripping irrigation, mulching, varieties introduction, soil-improving will be introduced in the demonstration farm.

The Demonstration Farm is a venue for training and extensions work. The Demonstration Farm is the benchmark of the Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits Project. Many elements such as capacity-building and value-chain facilitation are to be channeled to the Demonstration Farm and to be implemented together by the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Taiwan Technical Mission.

Moreover, the Demonstration Farm is showcasing the vision of the Taiwan Model of agriculture cooperation in Africa to benefit local farmers directly.