Investigative Reports

Major Corruption Allegations Rock Somaliland Finance Ministry’s Recruitment for World Bank’s Public Resource Management Project

According to documents examined by Somaliland Chronicle, serious allegations...

Financial Turmoil and a New Questionable Venture Cast Shadows over Boodhari Mills’ Future

In our previous coverage, we explored Boodheri Mills, a...

Somaliland Office in Taiwan Rejects Sexual Misconduct Allegations

The Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan has...

Tag: Somaliland constitution


Indefinite terms of Somaliland house of elders and threat on democracy.

The House of Elders, or Guurti, in Somaliland holds a significant role in the nation's political landscape, with the power to extend its own term as well as those of the House of Representatives and the President. Originally established in 1993 as part of Somaliland's peacebuilding efforts, the Guurti was intended to serve for six-year terms. However, the House has never been re-elected, and over the years, it has extended its term multiple times, ultimately leading to its continued dominance in Somaliland's political scene. This unchecked power has contributed to a stagnation in Somaliland's democratic progress, with election delays becoming a chronic issue, often sparking political unrest and violence. The indefinite extensions granted by the Guurti have led to growing tensions between the government and opposition parties, who view these actions as unconstitutional and detrimental to Somaliland's democracy. The lack of accountability and failure to reform the constitution to reflect the current needs of the people have only exacerbated the situation. As a result, political conflicts have intensified, with peaceful demonstrations often met with excessive force, leading to casualties and further destabilization. The ongoing crisis underscores the need for constitutional amendments, adherence to the rule of law, and a clear separation of powers to ensure a more transparent and democratic governance in Somaliland.

Analysis of the Long-Term Negative Impacts of The Active involvement of Tribal Elders in The Parliamentarians Selection Process With The Absence of Political Parties...

Somaliland had experienced sustained peace, growing Democracy, and fruitful conflict resolution among Somaliland tribes to maintain unity. Furthermore, Somaliland held free and fair presidential,...

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Innovative Partnership: The Contribution of Taiwan and Somaliland in Formulating a New Development Discourse in the Horn of Africa

Introduction The formal establishment of Somaliland-Taiwan relationship in 2020 is...

Taiwan’s Landmark $22 Million Investment Promises to Transform Hargeisa Group Hospital

In a landmark development that marks the most significant...

The Last Will and Testament of a Dictator: Djibouti’s Precarious Transition from Guelleh and Its Global Reverberations

As Ismaïl Omar Guelleh’s once-iron grip on Djibouti loosens,...

Somaliland Supreme Court Vacates Case Against MP Abib, Upholds Parliamentary Immunity

KEY POINTS: Somaliland Supreme Court vacated the case against MP...

Taiwan Commits $2 Million to Support Somaliland’s 2024 Presidential and Party Elections

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has...