Investigative Reports

Financial Turmoil and a New Questionable Venture Cast Shadows over Boodhari Mills’ Future

In our previous coverage, we explored Boodheri Mills, a...

Somaliland Office in Taiwan Rejects Sexual Misconduct Allegations

The Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan has...

Ministry of Information Spends 600,000 US Dollars to Fix a Decade Old Radio Station

According to a contract signed by the Minister of Information, Culture...

Tag: Maritime security


Foe Rather than a Friend: Unpacking Djibouti’s Hostility towards Somaliland

Djibouti’s hostility towards Somaliland is driven by economic competition and regional defense strategies, fearing Berbera port's rising prominence. Djibouti, relying heavily on port revenues, views Somaliland as a threat to its economic dominance and leverages political capital to destabilize it. However, Somaliland must shift focus from personal relations to strategic interests to counteract Djibouti's aggression.

President of Somaliland Dismisses US Concerns Over Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU as “Baseless”

In an interview with the Financial Times, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi has dismissed concerns raised by the United...

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Don't miss

Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Visits Somaliland Amid Heightened Regional Diplomacy

A powerful bipartisan congressional delegation has arrived in Somaliland...

Saudi Mining Company Kilomass Secures Lithium Exploration Deal in Somaliland

Kilomass, a major Saudi Arabian mining company, has secured...

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi Highlights National Achievements in Annual Address

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency,...

Foe Rather than a Friend: Unpacking Djibouti’s Hostility towards Somaliland

Djibouti’s hostility towards Somaliland is driven by economic competition and regional defense strategies, fearing Berbera port's rising prominence. Djibouti, relying heavily on port revenues, views Somaliland as a threat to its economic dominance and leverages political capital to destabilize it. However, Somaliland must shift focus from personal relations to strategic interests to counteract Djibouti's aggression.

African Union Sets August 6 as the Deadline for Commision Posts Applications

The African Union has opened the floor for aspirants...