Somaliland’s move towards violence has reached the level of a political crisis. Indeed, a successful electoral record has not resulted in resilient formal institutions...
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat, author, philosopher and historian who lived during the Renaissance, wrote in his best-known book, the prince,...
Somaliland transitioned from indirect to direct elections in 2002. Since then, it has successfully conducted two House of Representatives (HoR) elections in 2005 and...
According to members of Somaliland's Election Commission who spoke on background to Somaliland Chronicle, the conflict among the commissioners that arose from the replacement...
In a raucous session, the Somaliland Parliament has passed the much-anticipated election law without the critical components that were intended to give women and...
Somalia's House of Cards: As US billions evaporate, so does the mirage of stability. When flights stop, corruption ranks 179/180, Al-Shabaab follows Taliban's playbook, and Trump cuts aid – the chickens come home to roost. A $50B failed experiment nears its inevitable conclusion. #Somalia