The time has come for Ahmed Muumin Seed, Agriculture Minister to go. The damage he has done to Somaliland Agriculture the country can’t ignore anymore. His decision to give a whopping 2,000 hectares of Wajaale Plains, the best agricultural land, to a sham Chinese company to grow Castor beans without the consent of local communities, without environmental studies on the impact on land and the livelihood of communal farmers, was truly reprehensible, if not a criminal.
In the clearest indication of its interest in Somaliland and Taiwan's newly established diplomatic relationship, the White House's National Security Council welcomed Taiwan's engagement...
According to multiple sources, the Chinese Ambassador in Somalia Mr. Qin Jian visited the Republic of Somaliland twice to try to convince the Somaliland...
Jun Du, Aston University; Agelos Delis, Aston University; Mustapha Douch, Aston University, and Oleksandr Shepotylo, Aston University
The COVID-19 pandemic is now expected to trigger...
By Edward John
Some Chinese firms had invested mainly in Africa’s ongoing development but Choqqin Foreign (International) Construction Corporation (CICO), a state-owned firm exploited...
More than a dozen member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) signed a statement supporting China’s policies in Xinjiang that ignored widespread repression of the region’s Muslims, Human Rights Watch said today. The Chinese government-promoted letter was in response to a joint statement by 22 countries at the United Nations Human Rights Council last week expressing concern at massive rights violations in Xinjiang and urging unfettered access by international monitors.
An internal U.S. Navy review concluded that the service and its various industry partners are "under cyber siege" from Chinese hackers who are building...
French President Emmanuel Macron warned on Tuesday of risks to the sovereignty of African countries from China’s increasing economic presence as he began a...
Somalia's House of Cards: As US billions evaporate, so does the mirage of stability. When flights stop, corruption ranks 179/180, Al-Shabaab follows Taliban's playbook, and Trump cuts aid – the chickens come home to roost. A $50B failed experiment nears its inevitable conclusion. #Somalia