China and Russia have recently increased their engagement with Eritrea, a small but strategically located country in East Africa. Meanwhile, American influence in the...
When Joe Biden took office, many victims of genocide hoped US interest would triumph over indifference. Upon his nomination to be secretary of state,...
The geographical location of the Republic of Somaliland is one of the world's most strategically important areas. Yet the powerful influence of China, Turkey,...
Across Africa, states that deal with China often trade short-term financial infusion for their long-term fiscal health. Leasing fishing rights to China, for example,...
Executive Summary
Since the beginning and the fall of communism, America’s foreign policy has been focusing a lot on the Middle East and disregarded the...
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somaliland Hon. Liban Yousuf Osman is in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic,...
The time has come for Ahmed Muumin Seed, Agriculture Minister to go. The damage he has done to Somaliland Agriculture the country can’t ignore anymore. His decision to give a whopping 2,000 hectares of Wajaale Plains, the best agricultural land, to a sham Chinese company to grow Castor beans without the consent of local communities, without environmental studies on the impact on land and the livelihood of communal farmers, was truly reprehensible, if not a criminal.
Somalia's House of Cards: As US billions evaporate, so does the mirage of stability. When flights stop, corruption ranks 179/180, Al-Shabaab follows Taliban's playbook, and Trump cuts aid – the chickens come home to roost. A $50B failed experiment nears its inevitable conclusion. #Somalia