In a follow up to an article we have published on November 8, 2019, titled “False Advertising – SOMCABLE Chairman Lies About his Philanthropic Activities in Somaliland“, Mr. Venson Caryll who claimed to represent Mr. Mohamed Said Guedi has contacted us with a bizarre cease and Desist request to remove the said article from 2 years ago.
Mr. Caryll, who did not provide anyway to contact him besides the Gmail address he used to send the cease and desist, included a statement that made the nature of the request even more baffling. It referred to a court acquittal and stated that his client, Mr. Mohamed Said Guedi, has been found innocent. Although our article mentioned the fact that Mr. Mohamed Said Guedi is litigious and is mired in multiple court cases in Somaliland, we did not cite any specific legal case where he has been accused of wrong doing and subsequently acquitted.

“As long as my client is concerned he has been acquitted of all the accusations he has been loaded with all this while, but here the author portrays a picture where all this information is true and authentic which affects his family. Now that he is proved innocent in front of the honourable Court, and is in the public eye, this article is disturbing and concerning at multiple levels.” Said Venson Caryll in the request to cease and desist.
In addition to resisting providing any more information about himself, Mr. Venson Caryll declined to say what jurisdiction he practices law or if he was part of a law practice that seems to have been wholly plagiarized the entire cease and desist letter from one that the Times of Assam has received in 2018.

It is unclear if Mr. Venson Caryll, who did not appear in multiple law jurisdictions we have searched, is in fact, a real person and an attorney who represents SOMCABLE Chairman Mr. Mohamed Said Guedi, but Mr. Caryll is intent on ensuring anonymity for himself while threatening legal action.
Efforts to reach Mr. Mohamed Said Guedi regarding the cease and desist and Mr. Caryll were unsuccessful.